Film Production About Lexington and Concord to Shoot Some Scenes at Great Island

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Filming for a television history series about the American Revolution battles of Lexington and Concord will be coming to the town’s Great Island estate later this month, Selectman Monica McNally announced on Monday.

McNally, who also chairs the Great Island Advisory Committee, said some scenes will be filmed in the tack room and an office in the horse stables building from Monday, June 17 to Tuesday, June 25. More filming take place in the main house and near the little beach cabin, she said.

“This is the third show in a four-part series,” McNally said. “I believe they filmed the other two shows at Waveny” — the park in New Canaan.

Great Island map from Visioning Plan document

From the "Great Island Visioning Plan" document presented June 9, 2022

A map of Great Island. McNally used different names for the buildings and area where filming is expected to be done, but they seem to be the places the map labels as “Equestrian Center,” “Estate House,” and “Beach Cottage.”

Great Island “will remin open to our residents, as usual,” during the week of the filming, she said. Filming will be done in the daytime, not at night, “so there won’t be the big lights that sometimes you see in these productions,” with night filming, she added.

“It’s about 50 crew members and cast,” which is “relatively small” for a production, McNally said.

McNally didn’t name the production company, but she said it is the same one that created the “Men Who Built America” series. That series, first broadcast in 2012, was produced by Stephen David Entertainment.

McNally said the Connecticut Film Office was in touch with town officials about filming on the estate, and McNally said she had been visiting Great Island with the production company employees.

The town will be paid $24,500 for use of the property, she said.

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