Middlesex Middle School wikipedia 5-25-16

Middlesex Middle School

Middlesex Middle School

The Superintendent’s Conversation, in partnership with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the First Selectman’s Office, has been rescheduled for Tuesday, March 18, at 6 p.m. in the Middlesex Middle School Auditorium.

— an announcement from schools Superintendent Alan Addley

All parents (PreK-12) are invited to attend as we continue our community’s efforts to foster inclusive environments. This conversation will focus on antisemitism and the broader issue of hate speech.

We will explore the current state of these issues in Connecticut and beyond, as well as ways schools and families can respond and prevent them. I hope you will consider joining us.

The meeting is in reaction to recent graffiti found on a bathroom stall. See also:

• Another Racial Slur Found in a Middlesex Middle School Girls’ Bathroom Stall (Feb. 18)

• Racial Slur Found in Middlesex Girls’ Bathroom, School to Discuss It With Students, Parents Asked to Do the Same (Jan. 23)


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