Ways You Can Advertise on Darienite.com

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You can get a regular banner advertisement (300 pixels across by 250 pixels down, with a link to a Web page you designate), or you can get one of these ads that grab some more attention (ask us about rates):


A banner ad that, when hovered over, will “flip” to reveal its other side, which is a second banner ad. Impressive and fun. Note: Uses cutting edge browser features, so Internet Explorer older than version 10 won’t work great.

The Amazing 3D Cube/Gallery

This displays 6 images and captions of your choosing in a very slick rotating cube (on the latest browsers). Great for capturing attention, especially when it comes to food items. The cube will accept any photo sizes, but square works best if you don’t want any auto-cropping or sizing.

A very simple format which displays an image and a “Click to Enlarge” call to action which will open the image in a new window. Useful for store flyers and circulars. These ads typically get click rates close to 1% depending on various factors.


The Countdown ad tells people there’s only so much time left — Countdown to a big event or end of a sale. Doesn’t require an image. Displays a customizable and human-readable countdown, such as “7 days, 3 hours, and 10 minutes,” which updates:

Real Estate Gallery

An ad format specifically for real estate agent selling property (although it could be used for other purposes). It displays a real estate company logo, an agent’s name, photo, and a place for images and details of their listing.


This is an ad which, when hovered, swaps out the original ad for a different ad for a hover-effect. If you have more information to convey than can fit in the original ad, this is the guy to use.


Create a slideshow of up to 5 different ads with a configurable time delay in-between slides.

Advanced Slideshow

Create a slideshow of up to 10 different ads with a configurable time delay in-between slides, and separate links per slide

Big, Big Slideshow

Create a slideshow of up to 30 different ads with a configurable time delay in-between slides.

In-Story Ribbon Ad

Designed to sit in the middle of content, like an article. The reader will have to look at it. Looks great on desktop and adjusts to fit mobile nicely. Good for big advertisers and promoting content.

Instant Facebook

Create an ad from a public Facebook page. This pulls in the latest post from a Facebook feed once per hour. It displays the photo, caption, and optionally, comments and like information on the post. The Facebook page *must* have its age restrictions set to 13+ and have no country restriction. It only pulls in posts by the admin of the page, but will pull in comments by other users.

Instant Text Message

An ad that pulls in text and picture messages sent to 609-207-7067 from a phone number that you specify. Any text or picture messages will display in the ad within 20 minutes.

Instant Twitter

Create an ad from an Twitter account username. This pulls in the latest from a *public* Twitter feed once per hour. It displays the photo, caption, and optionally, comments and like information on the post.

Instant Instagram

Create an ad from an Instagram account username. This pulls in the latest from a *public* Instagram feed once per hour. It displays the photo, caption, and optionally, comments and like information on the post.

YouTube Ad

Embed a YouTube™ video as an advertisement with an optional message below the embedded video. Set any width or height while being responsive and mobile friendly. It even tracks plays and views in a less-than-perfect but clever manner.

Before and After

This is your classic Before & After ad. All you really need is a before picture and after picture. You can optionally supply a logo and additional text. Useful for contractors, landscapers, dentists, and anyone else who benefits from pictures, which really tell the story and deliver impact. It’s a flexible ad format which can be in-story or sit in the sidebar.


Create a cutout-style coupon with an optional image to promote a sale or event. When your users click on it, they will be taken to a mobile-friendly page where they can print the page or keep it handy on their mobile device.

Advanced Coupon

Just like the standard coupon, but with more options. Create a cutout-style coupon with an optional image to promote a sale or event. When your users click on it, they will be taken to a mobile-friendly page where they can print the page or keep it handy on their mobile device.