Letter letters

Letter: Mixed Up Priorities at the Darien Democratic Town Committee

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To the editor:

Last week, the Darien Democratic Town Committee “went national” and came out with a lofty appeal to the U.S. Congress to censure the president over his alleged “racist behavior.”

The DTC got their priorities and those of their constituents all mixed up. The committee has been completely silent on the fiscal disaster of our state under Democratic leadership. In his two terms at the helm, [Gov. Dannel] Malloy has extended the state employees’ damaging contract, originally due 2017 (last year!) in his first term to 2022, and in his second to 2027, surrendering the fiscal health of Connecticut for at least ten more years. The untenable has now become untouchable. At the very beginning of the current biennial cycle, and despite the absence of a viable budget for the rest of us, the union concessions were signed, sealed and delivered to the state employees — and to their loud applause.