Darien High School DECA Business Club Honored by Town


Front Row L to R: Mrs. Stevenson, Mimi Markham, Paige Adams, Casey Martin, Chris drake, Justin Yang, Mrs. Dunn Back Row L to R: Mrs. Gray, Ryan Jones, Harrison Gill, Chris Magnusson, John Ruth, Matt Drake and Mr. Nelson (photo contributed)

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Darien First Selectman, Jayme Stevenson, made an official proclamation that Nov. 23, 2015 be “Darien High School DECA Day.”

Front Row L to R: Mrs. Stevenson, Mimi Markham, Paige Adams, Casey Martin, Chris drake, Justin Yang, Mrs. Dunn Back Row L to R: Mrs. Gray, Ryan Jones, Harrison Gill, Chris Magnusson, John Ruth, Matt Drake and Mr. Nelson (photo contributed)

Front Row L to R: Mrs. Stevenson, Mimi Markham, Paige Adams, Casey Martin, Chris drake, Justin Yang, Mrs. Dunn Back Row L to R: Mrs. Gray, Ryan Jones, Harrison Gill, Chris Magnusson, John Ruth, Matt Drake and Mr. Nelson (photo contributed)


[DECA (previously known as Delta Epsilon Chi and Distributive Education Clubs of America) is an international association of high school and college students and teachers, according to Wikipedia.]

In recognition of National DECA month, the DHS DECA club reaffirmed their commitment to students focused on business education and pursuing a career in business, finance, marketing or entrepreneurship.

Along with Mrs. Stevenson, DECA club advisor and faculty member Claudia Gray, Technology Education Department Coordinator Jeromy Nelson and Principal Ellen Dunn joined the leadership team in celebration of their achievements.

— an announcement from Darien High School (with the the description of DECA we’ve added in brackets from Wikipedia)

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